Fernalds Neck Preserve-3/11/25 closed for mud season

Courtesy of Jeannie Hutchins

Fernalds Neck Road,

285 acres

Blue Trail: 1.8 miles round trip, moderate White Trail: 0.4 miles round trip, easy Orange Trail: 1.75 miles round trip, moderate

Hiking, Fishing, Cross County Skiing, No Hunting, No Dogs

Trail Descriptions

MAJESTIC PINES, BALANCE ROCK, LAKEFRONT Impressive mature pines, hemlocks, and hardwoods cover most of the peninsula. Rocky outcroppings, mosses, and mushrooms thrive among the peninsula’s dark understory. Take the Orange or White trail for Megunticook Lake access, a popular spot for summer swimming.

Look for

Balance Rock, a gigantic precariously-balanced glacial erratic


From Lincolnville Center, take Route 52 south for 2 miles, then turn right at Fernalds Neck Road. Follow to its end, staying left at the fork. From Camden, take Route 52/Mountain Street north for 5.8 miles, turning left at Fernalds Neck Road. Please drive slowly, and park only in parking lot, not along roadside. Parking lot gate opens at 6:30 am, closes promptly at 7:30.


Conserved by local residents in 1969 through The Nature Conservancy. This property was transferred to the Land Trust in 2007.

Additional Information

ADOPT-A-TRAIL SPONSORS Sid & Elizabeth Eudy, Walter Curchack & Stacy Thomas, First National Bank #fernaldsneckpreserve

Public Use

No dogs allowed.