CANCELED New Year’s Day Open House at Beech Hill

316 Beech Hill Rd Rockport, ME, United States

This event has been canceled due to weather. Join us atop Beech Hill for a special New Year's Day open house! Ring in 2025 with hot chocolate, a warm fire, and friends in the Beech Nut from 11a.m.-1p.m. on Wednesday, January 1st. Parking is available at 316 Beech Hill Road. The hut can be reached from a […]

Wednesday Waldo Walk: Long Cove Headwaters Preserve in Searsport

This walk has been rescheduled to January 8th at 10a.m.Wednesday Waldo Walks explore different Coastal Mountains Land Trust trails throughout the northern part of our service region each month! These hikes are led by volunteer and member Bindy Pendleton. In January,  we will explore Long Cove Headwaters Preserve in Stockton Springs, which provides scenic and tranquil […]

Happy Wanderers Hike at Head of Tide Preserve

Head Of Tide Nature Preserve Belfast, ME, United States

All are welcome to join us for our first Happy Wanderers hike of 2025! We will be traversing the trails of Head of Tide Preserve in Belfast on Thursday, January 16th at 10am.  This hike will follow a 1.5 mile loop trail on level ground. Warm layers and water are always recommended!  Happy Wanderers is […]

Why Maine is Weird (with Bob Duchesne!)

37 Miller St Belfast, ME, United States

Bob Duchesne: Why Maine is Weird Coastal Mountains Land Trust’s Waldo County Conservation Initiative invites the community to a fun and entertaining presentation by Bob Duchesne on February 5 at 6pm at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 37 Miller Street, Belfast. Maine’s unique natural environment is the result of the state’s history, geology, and geography, making […]

Happy Wanderers Hike: Cameron Mountain Trail

Join us for a come-all hike along the Cameron Mountain Trail in Camden Hills State Park! We will meet at the Youngtown Rd. parking and trailhead at 10a.m. on Thursday, February 6th. This hike will cover about two miles with some elevation. Good shoes or boots, hiking poles, and water are always recommended. Happy Wanderers hikes are […]

Full Moon Hike at Beech Hill Preserve

Beech Hill Preserve 316 Beech Hill Rd, Rockport, ME, United States

Join us  on Tuesday, February 11th for a full moon hike at Beech HillPreserve in Rockport! We will meet at the Beech Hill Road trailhead at 5:00p.m.and hike up the hill together as the full moon rises. The trail is about 0.6miles of hiking up a gentle, but steady incline. On top of the hill, […]

Wednesday Waldo Walk: Head of Tide Preserve

Head Of Tide Nature Preserve, Belfast, ME 04915, USA

Join us for another Wednesday Waldo Walk on February 12th at Head of Tide Preserve in Belfast! Wednesday Waldo Walks are led by Waldo County Conservation Initiative member Biudy Pendleton. Each month, Bindy guides hikes along different trails throughout Waldo County. All are welcome!  This hike will cover approximately two miles with slight elevation. Hikers […]

CANCELLED! Tracking Workshop with Kirk Gentalen

Fernald's Neck Preserve Lincolnville, ME, United States

This event has been cancelled due to expected inclement weather. It may be rescheduled - please watch our website/eNews for updates.  

Wednesday Waldo Walk: Basin Pond in Monroe

Join us for another WednesdayWaldo Walk! Each month, Coastal Mountains volunteer and Waldo County resident Bindy Pendleton leads hikes exploring different trail systems. This hike will take place at Basin Pond in Monroe on March 12th at 10a.m.Coastal Mountains Land Trust is currently under contract to purchase Basin Pond from the town of Monroe. Joan […]