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Happy Wanderers+: Tanglewood Trails, Lincolnville

February 1, 2024 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Join the Community Health team partnering with Coastal Mountains Land Trust to get outdoors and stay active with guided community hikes this year. All levels are welcome, however, please leave your pets home. Registering in advance is not required, however, you will receive emailed reminders and weather updates if you choose to sign up through Maine Health here

*New! At all HW hikes with a “+” in the title, there will be an option for a longer hike as well as a group who will do the regular-length hike.*

Trailhead: Tanglewood 4H Camp and Learning Center in Linconville. Follow the Tanglewood road until you can’t go any further (because of the gate that is closed in the winter).

This hike is at least 2 miles and the level is easy, but grips or spikes for shoes are recommended for icy conditions. 

The group will meet at trailheads throughout Knox and Waldo Counties on the first Thursday of each month at 10:00 a.m. 

All hikes will be led by Coastal Mountains Land Trust staff members and a MaineHealth Community Health staff member. 

To register: https://penbaywaldo.coursestorm.com/course/happy-wanderers-guided-hike5?page=2


February 1, 2024
10:00 am - 12:00 pm