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Fish Tales: Educational Sea-Run Fish Forum

February 1, 2024 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

On Thursday,February 1 expert panelists with backgrounds in commercial fishing,conservation, and outdoor recreation will come together to present aneducational forum about the fascinating lives of sea-run fish species! Theforum takes place at Camden-Rockport Middle School at 6:30p.m., doors will openat 6:00p.m.

Anadromousfish who like Atlantic salmon, alewives, and blueback herring play a vital rolein the ecosystems of Maine’s waters, as well our economy. Panelists will covera wide range of topics related to the importance of sea-run species.


-ModeratorJeremy Gabrielson, Senior Conservation and Community Planner at Maine CoastHeritage Trust

-Frank O’Harafrom commercial fishing company O’Hara Corporation

-Jeff Reardon,Project Manager for the Atlantic Salmon Federation and formerly of TroutUnlimited and Penobscot River Restoration Trust

-JasonSeiders, Regional Biologist for Maine Department of Inland Fisheries andWildlife

-Seth Taylor,fisherman guide, member of Camden’s Megunticook River Citizens AdvisoryCommittee, and manager of the tack shop at Maine Sport Outfitters

Be sure toarrive early for a chance to register for the door prize for a half-day guidedsaltwater or lake fishing and nature viewing tour with Captain Andy from MaineOutdoor Guides of Camden!

No tickets orregistration are required! This event is open to all ages. The audience will beencouraged to enter into the panel’s discussion.

This event isproudly sponsored by Coastal Mountains Land Trust, Georges River TroutUnlimited, Megunticook Watershed Association, and Midcoast Conservancy.

This panel is available to stream on Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83517686039


February 1, 2024
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm